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Electrical Circuit

Renew Your ELM Membership
Apply to be a New Member

The league is an organization composed of: Masters, Journeypersons, Apprentices, Labor (Union and Non-Union), Electrical Inspectors, Government Officials, Electrical Utilities, Electrical Engineers, Designers, Communication Technicians, etc. In other words, leaders and persons interested in providing skilled, competent, knowledgeable people that provide public safety and want to enhance the electrical trade.

With a large membership, we are able to influence legislation and other issues. We are able to provide input and feedback on the National Electrical Code and Safety features to protect the public and the workers. We have new ideas, concepts, and innovations on new and different products.


Members receive informative news and notes at least three times a year. We also have a terrific website loaded with all kinds of information. The League also offers additional reasonably priced seminars and courses to achieve continuing education for license renewals.


There is also an opportunity to attend an annual shrimp feast for fellowship and fun. If you aren’t a member, please join us!

Renew or Apply by completing the form below
Annual Membership: $35

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